Tanto no pessoal quanto no profissional – Boas práticas do seu trabalho na vida cotidiana Não é incomum ouvirmos histórias de pessoas que são bem sucedidas no trabalho mas sua vida pessoal é uma bagunça. Continuar Lendo →
Deploy for kids – Guide for deploying Django Python 3 There is a lot of tutorials out there, especially in English. Continuar Lendo →
Using celery with multiple queues, retries and scheduled tasks On this post, I’ll show how to work with multiple queues, scheduled tasks, and retry when something goes wrong. Continuar Lendo →
Creating and populating a non-nullable field in Django Hey, what’s up guys, that’s another quick post! Continuar Lendo →
Guia para Deploy Django Python 3 Tutorial de Deploy por aí é o que não falta, a maioria em inglês. Continuar Lendo →
Executing time-consuming tasks asynchronously with Django and Celery This post is based on a lightning talk I gave on 2015, at GruPy-SP (July/15) in Sao Paulo. Continuar Lendo →
Distributing Python Apps for Windows Desktops I’ve started working on a blog post about how to create a Python app auto-update and it turned into three. Continuar Lendo →
How to create an MSI installer using Inno Setup Alright, guys, that’s the 3rd and last part of our Distributing Python Apps for Windows Desktops series. Continuar Lendo →
How to create an application with auto-update using Python and Esky This is the 2nd part of Distributing Python Apps for Windows Desktops series. Continuar Lendo →